Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Negative scan...

There you go, I didn't know they existed but now I know...negative scan. No sac was visible for surro 1 and pregnancy didn't get that far for surro 2 No frozen. Dragged poor m to India ...


  1. I am sorry to hear your news, I wish it was different for you : (
    Not sure what your plans are but it took a couple of goes for us to get a positive and a couple of trips as we didn't have anything frozen either....
    Warmest wishes to you both and heartfelt condolences for your loss.

  2. Thinking of you. Sadly, it took us quite few times before getting any positive news. This is the toughest journey you'll ever make. Remember to vent to your fellow bloggers - for most of us have been through similar.

  3. I feel your pain..we've never had any frozen either...we are on our third attempt...hang in there...its a rough road but once you get to the end it will be worth it...
