Monday, 22 October 2012

Surprise scan..

I wasn't even fretting about it, but our 3D scan come through over the weekend. It was great not worrying about it before the event occurred!

We have been really busy organising our wedding though, so that has probably taken the edge of the whole baby thing lately.

M and I got engaged YEARS ago, we thought we would get the family thing rocking along then get hitched. However, the family thing did not cooperate with us at all!! So the wedding got pushed back and pushed back again so that yet another IVF cycle could be paid for.

Well good bye IVF (I dont miss you at all!) and hello they are, asleep (i hope a sign of times to come ;)

They are both on the small side according to Dr Google but I am trying not to start hyperventalating about that just yet. See how we go with the scans, due in another month.

Hang in there babies, we are waiting for you!

I have to admit that I haven't been keeping up with all your blogs. I have a confession...I read a few bad news ones and it started freaking me out.

Im really sorry for the bad news guys (and my lack of support), I hope that good times are just ahead for you. Please know that some of us are not the most eloquent and dont think that our words can help with such horrible pain.

Take care everyone


  1. So excited you received your 3D scans. Just keep marking off those weeks!!

  2. Ahh great scans! have fun wedding planning!

  3. Congrats! The kids are looking adorable already. It's such an exciting adventure. Our twins are 23 weeks, & I just opened our most recent scans a few minutes ago. Soon, very soon, our lives will be changing forever. I can't wait! Cheers! :)

    1. Oooo 23 weeks....what is the name of your blog? I will have a look and keep up dated...

  4. Thats awesome, i am in week 27, so congrats, the 3D pics are awesome and kinda weird

    1. Yeah weird! One baby needs some fattening up,....27 weeks is exciting! Congrats! You are almost there
